Aboriginal Gods

It is important to remember that there were very many different, and isolated tribes in Australia in the long ago past; therefore there are many gods/goddesses with the same function but different names and stories according to each tribe. 

The Dreamtime is that part of Aboriginal culture which explains the origins and culture of the land and its people. Aborigines have the longest continuous cultural history of any group of people on Earth dating back 65,000 years. Dreamtime is Aboriginal Religion and Culture. The Dreamtime contains many parts: it is the story of things that have happened, how the universe came to be, how human beings were created and how the Creator intended for humans to function within the cosmos. As with all other cultures it speaks of Earth's Creation by Gods and Goddesses some of whom were kind hearted while others were cruel. 
The Australian Aborigines speak of jiva or guruwari, a seed power deposited in the earth. In the Aboriginal world view every meaningful activity, event, or life process that occurs at a particular place leaves behind a vibrational residue in the earth, as plants leave an image of themselves as seeds. The shape of the land, its mountains, rocks, riverbeds, and waterholes and its unseen vibrations echo the events that brought that place into creation. Everything in the natural world is a symbolic footprint of the metaphysical beings whose actions created our world. As with a seed, the potency of an earthly location is wedded to the memory of its origin. The Aborigines called this potency the Dreaming of a place, and this Dreaming constitutes the sacredness of the earth. Only in extraordinary states of consciousness can one be aware of or attuned to the inner dreaming of the Earth. 

The expression Dreamtime is most often used to refer to the time before time, or the time of the creation of all things, while Dreaming is often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality. For instance, an Indigenous Australian might say that they have Kangaroo Dreaming, or Shark Dreaming, or Honey Ant Dreaming, or any combination of Dreamings pertinent to their country. However many Indigenous Australians also refer to the creation time as The Dreaming. Ancestor Spirits came to Earth in human and other forms and the land, the plants and animals were given their form as we know them today. These Spirits also established relationships between groups and individuals (whether people or animals) and where they travelled across the land, or came to a halt they created rivers, hills, etc. and there are often stories attached to these places. Once their work was done, the Ancestor Spirits changed again; into animals or stars or hills or other objects. For Indigenous Australians, the past is still alive and vital today and will remain so into the future. The Ancestor Spirits and their powers have not gone, they are present in the forms into which they changed at the end of the Dreamtime or Dreaming as the stories tell. Each tribe has its individual dreamtime although some of the legends overlap. Most Dreamtime originates with the Giant Dog or the Giant Snake and each is unique and colourful in its explanation. 

Legends of the Dreamtime are handed down by word of mouth and by totem from generation to generation. Aboriginal oral traditions which describe the origin of Australia from ancient times are frequently dramatic, involving great beings and amazing events, however they do contain the essence of the truth. The legends when distilled create a story of the origins of man in Australia and of the Australian landscape as it is today of which much can be substantiated by scientific investigation. The ancient racial memory of a people whose traditions and culture remained largely unaltered for thousands of years can recount great geological changes--the rising of the seas, the change from lush vegetation to desert, and the eruption of volcanoes as well as the very first arrival of man on this continent. 

The Australian aboriginal shamans - clever men or men of high degree described celestial ascents to meet with the sky gods such as Baiame, Biral, Goin and Bundjil. The chosen one (either voluntarily or spontaneously) is set upon by spirits, ritualistically killed, and then experiences a wondrous journey (generally an aerial ascent to a strange realm) to met the sky god. He is restored to life as the tribal shaman. 


Some Aboriginal Gods;

New South Wales

Birrahgnooloo, Kamilaroi - goddess of fertility who would send floods if properly asked

Dirawong, Bundjalung - creator being

Wurrunna -, culture hero

Northern Territory

Adnoartina - the lizard guard of Uluru

Altjira - Arrernte sky god who created the earth

Ankotarinja - first man of Arrernte mythology

Bahloo - Karraur lunar deity

Bamapana - Murngin trickster spirit who creates discord

Banaitja - creator deity

Barnumbirr - Yolgnu creator spirit

Barraiya - creator of the first vagina

Eingana - creator goddess

Bobbi-Bobbi - benevolent Binbinga snake deity

Djanggawul - three creator-siblings of northeast Arnhem Land mythology

Galeru - rainbow snake in Arnhem Land mythology who swallowed the Djanggawul

Djunkgao - group of sisters associated with floods and ocean currents

Jar'Edo Wens - Arrernte god of earthly knowledge and physical might, created by Altjira to ensure that people did not get too arrogant or self-conceited

Julunggul - Yolgnu rainbow snake goddess associated with initiation, fertility, rebirth and water

Karora - creator god

Kunapipi - mother goddess and the patron deity of many heroes

Malingee - malignant nocturnal spirit

Mamaragan - lightning deity

Mangar-kunjer-kunja - Arrernte lizard deity who created humans

Mimi - fairy-like beings of Arnhem Land

Minawara and Multultu - legendary ancestors of the Nambutji

Mokoi - evil Murgnin spirit who kidnapped and ate children

Ngintaka - Pitjantjatjara creator being

Nogomain - god who gives spirit children to mortal parents

Numakulla - two sky gods who created all life on earth

Papinijuwari - a type of one-eyed giant which feeds on the bodies of the dead and the blood of the sick

Ulanji - snake-ancestor of the Binbinga

Wala - solar goddess

Wawalag - Murgnin sisters who were swallowed by Yurlungur, only to be regurgitated

Wollunqua - snake-deity associated with rain and fertility

Wuluwaid - rain god of Arnhem Land

Wuriupranili - solar goddess whose torch is the sun

Wurugag and Waramurungundi - first man and woman of Gunwinggu legend

Yhi - Karraur solar goddess associated with light and creation

Yurlungur - Murgnin snake deity who swallowed and regurgitated the Wawalag sisters; associated with initiation and rebirth


Anjea - fertility goddess or spirit, in whom people's souls reside between their incarnations

Dhakhan - ancestral god of the Kabi

I'wai - culture hero of the Kuuku-Ya'u

Yalungur - great bird deity

South Australia

Akurra - great snake deity of the Adnyamathanha people

Bunyip - mythical creature said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes

Mar'rallang - mythical twin sisters

Muldjewangk - water spirit or spirits inhabiting the Murray River

Ngintaka - Pitjantjatjara creator being

Tjilbruke - Kaurna creation ancestor


Crow (Waa) - Kulin trickster, culture hero and ancestral being

Baiame - southeast Australian creational ancestral hero

Balayang - bat deity and brother of Bunjil

Binbeal - Kulin rainbow deity and son of Bunjil

Bunjil - Kulin creator deity and ancestral being, represented as an eagle

Bunyip - mythical creature said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks, riverbeds, and waterholes

Daramulum - southeast Australian deity and son of Baiame

Gnowee - solar goddess who searches daily for her lost son; her torch is the sun

Karatgurk - seven sisters who represent the Pleiades star cluster

Kondole - man who became the first whale

Nargun - fierce half-human, half-stone female creature of Gunai legend

Pundjel - creator deity involved in the initiation of boys

Thinan-malkia - evil spirit who captures victims with nets that entangle their feet

Tiddalik - frog of southeast Australian legend who drank all the water in the land, and had to be made to laugh to regurgitate it

Wambeen- evil lightning-hurling figure who targets travellers

Western Australia

Bagadjimbiri - a pair of Karadjeri creator-spirits

Dilga - Karadjeri goddess of fertility and growth, and mother of the Bagadjimbiri

Julana - lecherous Jumu spirit who surprises women by burrowing beneath the sand, leaping out, and raping them

Kidili - Mandjindja moon deity who was castrated for attempting to rape the first women, who in turn became the Pleiades

Ngariman - Karadjeri cat-man who killed the Bagadjimbiri and was drowned in revenge

Njirana - Jumu deity and father of Julana

Ungud - snake deity associated with rainbows and the fertility and erections of the tribe's shamans

Wagyl - Noongar snakelike creator being

Wati-kutjara - a pair of western Australian lizard-men

Wondjina - Mowanjum cloud or rain spirits


Rainbow Serpent - a common feature of the art and mythology of Aboriginal Australian cultures

Kinie Ger - evil half-man, half-cat beast

Thardid Jimbo - cannibalistic giant

Yara-ma-yha-who - monstrous bloodsucking creature



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