Horde Slaves

Species Name: Heelar

Type: Amoeba 

Trait: Tentacles

Height: 3 foot

Weight: 40 lbs

Mobility: None

Sensory organs: Radar

Communication: None 

Reproduction: Pollen

Feeding habits: Photosynthesis

Lifespan: 40 years

Technology: 1

Culture: More tolerant than standard but still with some violence. These are semi amorphous, tentacular creatures with the facility for healing wounds. They are indigenous to the Horde's planet of origin and seem well adapted to serving them. When in contact with humans, the results are catastrophic; the Heelar will cause radical skin growth that quickly seals up all orifices and causes death by suffocation.

Government: The Horde

Population: Massively populated


Home System:

See the Horde section for information.


Species Name: Mellidar

Type: Humanoid Feline

Trait: Ambidextrous with monkey's agility

Height: 3 foot

Weight: 70 lbs

Mobility: Legs

Sensory organs: Visual

Communication: Vocal 

Reproduction: Sexual

Feeding habits: Herbivore

Lifespan: 100 years

Technology: 1

Culture: Standard, these small quadropeds are intelligent and about the size of a large cat covered with soft fur. They seem to exercise no useful function in Horde society, though they seem to be kept as pets. Several once aided some Morituori in escaping a Horde camp.

Government: The Horde

Population: Massively populated


Home System:

See the Horde section for information.


Species Name: Transllalors

Type: Squid 

Trait: Tentacles

Height: 2 foot

Weight: 20 lbs

Mobility: Tentacles

Sensory organs: Visual

Communication: Telepathic 

Reproduction: Asexual

Feeding habits: Herbivore

Lifespan: 110 years

Technology: 1

Culture: More tolerant than standard but still with some violence. Tentacular, but with a 3 part circular mouth, these highly specialised beings seem to be trainable in translation from the Hordian into any number of human languages. The skills of these creatures seem to vary from individual to individual, from crude word for word translation to smooth idiomatic speech. 

Government: The Horde

Population: Sparsely populated


Home System:

See the Horde section for information.


Morituri Index History The Paideia The Horde
Horde Slaves Vxx199 The Morituri Spacecraft