Special Equipment

Energy Sword

7D6 damage but if embedded in someone it will poison their bloodstream within 10 seconds requiring a lethal poison save at -5. Good for 50 hours continuous use before requiring 5 hours of self recharging. 

The Enigma Keys

Each of the 3 keys had super healing and molecular transformation ability. When combined they had sufficient power to bind demonic forces.

Force hammer

5D6 damage plus bonuses.

Glider Wings, Acroyear

50mph/80kph flight with 1mile/km ceiling. Good for 50 hours continuous use before requiring 5 hours of recharging from an exterior source.

Glider Wings, Standard

100mph/160kph flight with 1mile/km ceiling. Good for 30 hours continuous use before requiring 3 hours of recharging from an exterior source.

Rocket Lance

Setting of between D6 to 6D6 damage with 100 metre range. Flight propulsion of 50mph/80kph with ceiling of 500ft/150 metres and can carry up to 200lbs.

Star Sceptre

Setting of between D6 to 10D6 damage with 50 metre range. Its energy is derived directly from the sun/stars. Lasts for 3 hours of continuous use without the sun but recharges after 10 mins of exposure to it.

The Star in the Sword

An ancient intelligent artifact of unknown origin who acted as Wayfinder's aide and confidant. When Wayfinder's people were ambushed upon arrival to earth the Sword bound the demon attackers, transformed him into the first Time Traveller and phased them all over to the Microverse.


The mirror cannon absorbs and amplifies solar energy doing up to 10D10 x100 damage over a 100 metre range and radius. It has hover capacity of 2km ceiling and 50mph/80kph flight.


Micronauts Index Aquaria B'zzk Homeworld
Kaliklak Neep Other Sauria
Spartak Visceros The Characters The Equipment
The Starships The Vehicles