Norse Gods
The Norse pantheon included Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The Vikings who were Swedes travelled mostly eastwards, and the Danes and Norwegians travelled mostly westwards. (The Swedes also ventured into Finland, which was not too impressed and mostly preferred its own Gods.) And Iceland came into the equation and did its own Viking things from 800 AD. Something which helped enormously was that all these people spoke the same Norse language, and would have known their own Kingdoms under the names of Danmark, Vastergotland, Ostergotland and Svealand. Colonies and footholds were established all over the place, from Greenland to England - where their heritage includes Norfolk and Humberside with many Norse-named villages in between. So Norse mythology went everywhere within reach.
Teutonic and especially Norse cosmology claimed that the universe consisted of nine different worlds or realms. Each formed a sector defined by the roots of Yggdrasil, the Ash tree that provides the framework of all reality. Each world could be accessed by any of the others with attendant difficulties; most indwellers tended their own concerns and left the wandering to heroes, wizards, and Gods.
Alfheim - The Realm of the Alfar in English the Elves. It was sometimes called Ljossalfheim the home of the bright elves. This was a region of forest and meadow, sea and islands; a pleasant and sunny place where dwelt the Elven peoples. They don't seem to have been drastically different than Humans; perhaps somewhat taller, much more nobly proportioned and fair to look upon, certainly longer lived. Jotunheim lies in the East, Muspellheim is South, Niflheim is North, and Alfheim is in the West beyond the seas.
Asgarð - The home and realm of the Æsir Gods located high up in the branches of the World-Tree, and not unexpectedly the most difficult of access - the only entry seems to have been across Bifrost the rainbow and one had to get past Heimdall the sentry as well. Within this divine region were many halls and bright dwellings, usually roofed in precious metals. The geography and nature of the region was not much otherwise specified beyond off-hand suggestions that it comprised a Nordic style paradise: tall mountains, bright sunlight, crisp and bracing air, green forests and meadows.
Hel - An underworld region; black, frigid, fetid, dreary and toxic. It is both the name of the land and the name of it's ruler the Goddess Hel, Queen of the Dead. This region seems to have been the final destination of most of humanity; only heroes gained admittance to Valhalla, in Asgarð. About the best that can be said of the place is that the dead seem not to have been tortured and tormented but rather they seem to have been assigned to drag out their destinies until Ragnarok, when they would be freed (in a sense) to fight with Hel's legions against the Gods and heroes.
Jotunheim - The Realm of the Giants or more particularly the Frost-Giants. The Jotunar were an archaic race of humanoids arising out of the primeval Ice at the beginning of days. They are portrayed in Nordic poetry and religious writing as being almost wholly evil and dedicated to the destruction of the Aesir Gods and mankind. Giant seems to be used to describe everything from beings larger than worlds (such as Ymir), down to Trolls and Ogres not much larger than men. Nevertheless it should be noted that there is Giant blood among the Aesir, some Giantesses being considered quite attractive and marriageable. Jotunheim itself seems to have been a land much like its inhabitants; a vast and frigid reach of taiga forest, fen, glacier, and lifeless, stony mountains.
Midgarð - The world of mankind within a Nordic context, Northern Europe and the surrounding seas. A varied landscape of oceans, fjords, mountains, forests, meadows, and islands.
Muspellheim - A southern land of fire, desert, and dryness, the Realm of the Fire-Giants. Like their close cousins the Frost-Giants, Surt's Folk were huge humanoids who were inimicable enemies of Mankind and the Gods. They do not loom large in Nordic tales, it being suggested that they bide their time in their distant land until the day of Ragnarok when their King, Surt, will lead them in final battle.
Niflheim - A northern land of fog, pack ice, glacier, and tundra. Inhabited by demons, spirits of the dead, and dragons, it is closely connected to Hel containing within its borders the entrance into that underground abode.
Svartalfheim - Another underground Realm, this was inhabited by the Svartalfar, the Dark Elves (English Drow), a euphemism used to refer to the Dwarven race. They burrowed underground, and most dwell there still. Regarded as being generally hostile to mankind and the Gods, and despised as being of grotesque and vile appearance it was nevertheless conceded that they had no peers in the working of metal, crafting of devices, and cutting of stone and gems. The Dwarves are responsible for any number of fabulous creations usually obtained at great cost.
Vanaheim - The elder home of the Vanir, the other race of Divinities; located like Asgarð, high up in the World-Tree. The Vanir seem to have been more concerned with fertility, land-use, magic and craft, as opposed to the Æsir obsession with warfare and personal heroism. Originally the two fell into early and calamitous conflict; a series of devastating wars is hinted at. Eventually, though, the two groups seem to have reached an accord, and hostages were exchanged to insure fidelity. Freyr, Freyja, Njord, and possibly Uller were Vanir among the Aesir. Gullveig was an important Vanir opponent. The Realm of Vanaheim seems to have not been much described, beyond suggestions of a lovely, rather bright Elven sort of region.
The Nine Heavens - As an additional bit of lore, the
Norse also recognized nine skies, or heavens, in a parallel to the Nine Worlds
discussed above. From the nearest to the earth, to the highest and most
inaccessible, they are described thusly: 1). Vindblain, Heidthornir, or
Hregg-Mimir (Wind-Dark, Cloudy-Bright, or Storm-Mimir). 2).Andlang (Extended).
3).Vidblain (Wide-Dark). 4).Vidfedmir (Wide-Embracer) 5).Hriod (Coverer).
6).Hlyrnir (Twin-Lit). 7).Gimir (Fiery, or Dazzling). 8).Vet-Mimir (Winter-Mimir).
9).Skatyrnir (Rich-Wetter).
Some Norse Gods;
Aarvak - horse of sun
Aege - sea god that was enemy of aesir, then became their ally and holds feasts for them
Alfadur - Supreme Being; creates new heaven after Ragnarok; possibly same as Odin
Alfhild - goddess that dressed as man to avoid marrying King Alf
Alsvider - moon horse
Alsvin - Sun horse
Andrimnir/Andrimne - Cook of gods
Angeyja - water goddess; personification of waves
Annar/Anar - husband Nott; father Jord
Arvakr - Sun horse
Askafroa - wife of ash tree, its spirit, malicious
Audhumla - Cow that nursed Ymir
Baldr/Balder/Baldur - Son Odin, god of light; killed by Hodur
Beyggvir - Attendant Frey
Beyla - elf Attendant Frey
Bil - Child Mani; waning moon
Bragi - God of poetry
Brock - Boastful dwarf, brother Sindri
Brunhild - Leader of valkyries
Dag - Day
Dellinger - husband Nott, father Dag
Einmyria - Daughter Loki & Glut
Eira/Eir - Physician goddess
Eisa - Daughter Loki & Glut
Elde - Servant of Aegir
Elli - Wrestled Thor
Farbuti - father of Loki
Fasolt - Fafnir’s brother; killed by him
Fenrir - Offspring Loki, wolf, bit off Tyr’s hand
Fialar - Cock that sounds Ragnarok
Fiorgyn - Mother Frigga
Flosshilda - In Wagner, a guardian of Nibelung hoard
Forseti - Justice god
Freki - Wolf at Odin’s feet
Frey - Brother of Freya
Freya//FreyjaVanadis - love/beauty, magic goddess; sister of Frey; owns shapeshifting cloak, turns Ottar into boar
Frigg/Frigga - Supreme goddess; wife of Odin; served by huldra-folk (nymphs)
Fulla/Abundia - Attendant of Frigga (possibly her sister)
Funfeng - Servant Aegir
Garm - Blood-dog of underworld
Gefjon/Gefion - Maid in Frigga’s palace, cares for unwed dead
Gerda - Wife of Frey, for whom he gave up his sword
Geri - One of Odin’s wolves
Glaur - wife of the moon or the mother of moon and sun by Mundilfari
Gna - Messenger of Frigga; travels through fire & air
Gullinbursti - Boar of Frey
Gulltopp - Heimdall’s horse
Gunlod - Wife Odin, mother Bragi & Skadi
Hagen - Son mortal & sea goblin, kills Sigurd
Hati - Wolf that pursues sun and moon
Haugbonde - nature spirit, guardian of farms
Heidrun - She-goat giving milk in Valhalla
Heimdall - God guardian against giants; watches Bifrost with trumpet Giallar-horn to announce Ragnarok
Hela - Mistress of Hel
Hermod - Son Odin, recalled Balder from Hel
Hiuki - Child Mani; waxing moon
Hlin - Attendant Frigga; goddess consolation
Hlora - Heat god that cares for Thor
Hodur - Blind man that killed Balder
Hoenir - Odin’s brother; sent to Vanaheim
Hordeshyrde - dragon
Hraesvelg - giant eagle or winter god in eagle plumes
Hugi - Man of Utgard-Loki, won footrace; Thought
Hugin - One of Odin’s ravens
Huld - troll woman
Ithunn/Idun/Iðunn - Wife of Bragi, kept apples of youth
Jord/Jörð - Earth goddess
Jormundgand/Jörmungandr - sea monster; the Midgard Serpent; encircles the world, living in the ocean depths; will die killing Thor
Karl - god of peasants; son of Amma &Heimdall; husband of Snor
Kvasir - wisdom god, teaches mankind
Lofn - Attendant of Frigga, mild, love goddess
Logi - Man of Utgard-Loki, cook
Lorelei - Siren maiden/water nymph
Lorride - daughter Thor & Sif
Mani - moon god; daughter of Mundilfari; marries Glaur
Margygr - ugly mermaid
Menglad - goddess of healing; Freya?
Modgud - woman that guards bridge of Hel
Munin - One of Odin’s ravens
Naglfari - husband of Nott; father of Aud
Nanna - Wife of Balder
Narve - Son Sigyn & Loki
Nehallennia - goddess of plenty; possibly sea goddess
Nerthus - sea/fertility/peace goddess; sister of Njord
Nidhogg - Serpent of Niflheim feeding on Yggdrasil
Niord - God of sailors
Nip - Mother Nanna
Odin - King of gods; called Allfather; personification of air or spirit of the universe; god of wisdom and victory; appears as tall man in his fifties; gives up eye to drink from Mimir's Well
Odur - Sunshine; Husband of Freya
Rán - Mermaid, sea goddess, wife Aegir
Ratatosk - Squirrel of Yggdrasil
Rinda - Goddess of frozen earth, wife Odin, mother Vali; possibly a giantess
Saehrimnir - Boar gods feast on
Saeming - Son Niord & Skadi, first king Norway
Saga - Goddess of history
Schrimnir - Boar cooked nightly in Valhalla
Sif - Wife Thor
Sjøorm - sea serpent
Skadi - Wife of Niord, winter goddess
Skirnir - Frey’s messenger, won the god’s sword
Skoll - Wolf that pursues sun and moon
Skrimsl - sea serpent
Skuld - Norn of future
Sleipnir - Odin’s horse, 8-legged
Smiera-Gatto - household spirit; Butter Cat
Snorta - Virtue goddess
Sol - Sun
Suttung - Brother Gilling, tosses dwarves to sea
Svadilfari - Horse helps mountain giants
Svanhit - Valkyr
Svasud - ancestor of summer
Syn - Attendant Frigga, truth
Tharapita - war god, servant Thor
Thor - Thunder god; son of Jord and Odin; great size and strength; loses temper; left in care of Vingnir and Hlora
Thora - Daughter king Hakon; wife Helfrat
Thrud - daughter Sif, wooed by dwarf Alvis
Tyr - God of battle (from earlier Tiwaz)
Uller/Vulder - Winter god, son Sif
Urd - Norn of past
Vali - God of eternal light, son Odin & Rinda
Vali - Son Sigyn & Loki (diff from Odin’s son)
Valtam - Father Vegtam
Vara - Oath goddess
Ve - Brother Odin (holy)
Vedfolnir - Falcon that sits on Yggdrasil
Verdandi - Norn of present
Vidar/Víðarr - Silent god, son Odin, survives Ragnarok
Vili - Brother Odin, helped slay Ymir (will)
Vindsual - son of Vasud; father of winter
Vingnir - Winged god that cares for Thor
Vithafnir - giant cockerel
Vjofn - Attendant Frigga, creates love
Vor - Faith goddess
Wingi - Messenger of Gudron
Wyrd - Mother of Norns; personification of fate