Slavic Gods
There is only fragmentary and scattered information about the myths and legends of the Slavs, and it is not possible to trace the history of their religion or to reconstruct the whole Slavic pantheon. Nevertheless, there were certain common beliefs among most pre-Christian Slavs. It is generally thought that the earliest Slavic religious beliefs were based on the principle that the whole natural world is inhabited and directed by spirits or mysterious forces. Later, particularly in areas where the Slavs had a more organized cultural life and were integrated with foreign peoples, the spiritual beliefs became less rustic, and the vague spirits of nature were anthropomorphized into divinities with special powers and functions.
The supreme god of the East and South Slavs was Perun, god of lightning and thunder. Because he controlled the elements of nature, his aid and protection were strongly evoked at seed time and harvest. Until the end of the 10th century an idol of Perun existed in Kiev. Svarog, a god known to most Slavic peoples, was regarded as the father of the chief deities. Among his sons were Dazhbog, god of the sun, and Svarazic, god of fire. Two important gods of Slavic religion were Byelobog (or Byelun) the White God and Chernobog the Black God. These two, who represented the opposing forces of good and evil reflected the Slavic belief in the dualistic nature of the universe. Various myths and ritualistic data however reveal the cults of many other gods and lesser divinities including the worship of earth goddesses.
Some Slavic Gods;
Rod - The birth-giver, creator of all existent. Supreme god, according to some theories
Dažbog - Sun god, possibly a culture hero and a source of wealth and power
Jarilo - God of vegetation, fertility and spring; also associated with war and harvest
Morana - Goddess of harvest, witchcraft, winter and death
Perun - God of thunder and lightning
Živa - Goddess of love and fertility
Svarog - God of fire, sometimes described as a smith god
Svetovid - God of war, fertility and abundance
Triglav - Three-headed god
Veles - God of earth, waters, and the underworld
Zaria - Goddess of beauty
The Zorya - Three (or two) guardian goddesses that represent the morning, evening and midnight stars
Other godsBelobog - The White God; speculated to be a god of light and sun
Berstuk - Evil Wendish god of the forest
Chernobog - The Black God; speculated to be the opposite number of Belobog
Dodola - Goddess of rain, sometimes believed to be the wife of Perun
Dogoda - Polish spirit of the west wind, associated with love and gentleness
Dziewona - Virgin goddess of the hunt; equivalent of the Roman goddess Diana, or Greek goddess Artemis
Dzydzilelya - Polish goddess of love, marriage, sexuality and fertility
Flins - Wendish god of death
Hors - God of the winter sun, healing, survival, and the triumph of health over illness
Ipabog - God of the hunt
Juthrbog - Wendish moon god
Karewit - Wendish protector of the town of Charenza
Krsnik - Fire god
Kupalo - God of fertility
Koliada - Goddess of the sky, responsible for the sunrise
Lada - Fakeloric goddess of harmony, merriment, youth, love and beauty, constructed by scholars during the Renaissance
Marowit - Wendish god of nightmares
Marzyana - Polish goddess of the grain
Matka Gabia - Polish goddess of the home and hearth
Mokosh - Goddess connected with female activities such as shearing, spinning and weaving
Myesyats - God of the moon
Oynyena Maria - Polish fire goddess who assists Perun
Oźwiena - Goddess of echo, gossip, fame and glory
Peklenc - God of the underground and a divine judge
Percunatel - Polish goddess, purported to be Perun's mother
Pereplut - Goddess of drink and changing fortunes
Podaga - Wendish god of weather, fishing, hunting and farming
Porewit - God of the woods, who protected lost voyagers and punished those who mistreated the forest
Radegast - Possibly a god of hospitality, fertility and crops
Rugiewit - Local personification of Perun, worshipped by members of the Rani in Charenza
Siebog - God of love and marriage; consort of Živa
Siliniez - Polish woodland god for whom moss was sacred
Stribog - God and spirit of the winds, sky and air
Sudice - The Fates of Polish mythology, who meted out fortune, destiny, judgement and in some cases, fatality, when a child was born
Sudz - Polish god of destiny and glory
Tawals - Blessing-bringing god of the meadows and fields
Varpulis - God of storm winds and companion of Perun
Zeme - Goddess of the earth
Zirnitra - Dragon god of sorcery
Zislbog - Wendish moon goddess; also known as Kricco, goddess of the seed
Złota Baba - Polish goddess known as the "Golden Woman"
Żywie - Goddess of health and healing
Ala - Demons of bad weather
Baba Yaga - A witch-like character who eats small children and lives in a house which stands on chicken feet
Bagiennik - Water demons who lived in lakes and rivers
Bannik - A bathhouse spirit with the ability to predict the future
Bies - An evil spirit
Blud - An evil spirit who causes disorientation
Boginki - Polish spirits who were said to steal babies and replace them with Odmience
Dola - Protective spirits who embody human fate
Domovoi - Household spirits
Drekavac - A creature believed to come from the soul of a dead unbaptised child
German - A male spirit associated with rain and hail
Karzełek - Mine-dwelling beings that protect miners
Kikimora - Female household spirit, sometimes said to be married to the Domovoi
Koschei - An evil being who cannot be killed because his soul is hidden separate from his body
Leshy - Woodland spirits who protect wild animals and forests
Likho - A one-eyed embodiment of evil fate and misfortune
Polevik - Field spirits who appear either at noon or at sunset
Polunocnica - "Lady Midnight", a demoness said to frighten children at night
Pscipolnitsa - "Lady Midday"; a noon demon who roamed the fields and struck down workers with heatstroke
Raróg - Creature who turns himself into a whirlwind
Rusalka - Often-malevolent female ghosts, water nymphs, succubi or mermaid-like demons that dwelled in waterways
Shishiga - Female creature who harasses people and brings misfortune to drunkards
Skrzak - A flying imp
Stuhać - A demonic, mountain-dwelling creature
Topielec - Malevolent spirits of human souls that died drowing
Vampir - A revenant that feeds on the blood of the living
Vila - Fairy-like spirits
Vodyanoy - A male water spirit
Zduhać - A man with extraordinary supernatural abilities
CreaturesAlkonost - A legendary bird with the head and chest of a woman
Bukavac - A six-legged monster with gnarled horns who lived in lakes and attacked during the night
Cikavac - A winged animal that would fulfill its owner's wishes and enable its owner to understand the animal language
Firebird - A magical glowing bird which is both a blessing and bringer of doom to its captor
Gamayun - A prophetic bird with the head of a woman
Psoglav - A demonic creature described as having a human body with horse legs, and dog's head with iron teeth and a single eye on the forehead
Simargl - The father of Skif, founder of Scythia; often portrayed as a large dog with wings
Sirin - A creature with the head and chest of a woman and the body of a bird
Zmey - A dragon-like creature